On some recent audio and video discussions, you may have heard Kasey & Brad mention that there were new developments in progress.
Well… we are happy to announce this new Julius.Academy web site which is replacing the I AM Academy at iamjulius.com
The website address of Julius.Academy is simply julius.academy and that is all you type into your browser address bar. Some browsers may require the http:// before the website address like this: https://julius.academy
As you may have seen, this new site more clearly presents an introduction to Julius.Academy, what is included in the Monthly Membership and a brief introduction to Kasey, Brad and Julius.
What’s Next?
We are adding a few more features to the site and to the offerings of advanced consciousness discussion and training from Julius. The developments should be valuable for both those of you who are new to Julius and general consciousness training, and also valuable to existing members of the Monthly Membership.