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The Philosophy of Julius

Julius is a collective of high light energy beings dedicated to empowering humanity through teachings and philosophies that YOU are God and that You are the creative force of your reality. The key division between a low consciousness state and a High consciousness state is judgement. By mastering the components of judgement, you change your life and your experience. Through our programming, retreats, online courses, and personal readings and energy sessions, Julius will guide and support you in eliminating all judgement, resistances and lack in your life. This high wisdom and practical guidance is being made available to aid you in your journey to becoming a fully enlightened being.

What Is Julius.Academy?

Julius.Academy is a membership site for intimate advanced consciousness training provided in audio, video and text format. The training is provided by Kasey & Julius (human and multi-dimensional beings) and is integrated with Channeling Julius. The membership also provides access to a community.

What Is In The Membership?

In the Gold Academy you get more intimate, advanced and unique audio & video training from Julius, meditations & discussions from Kasey, and live questions & answers with Kasey & Julius, plus Academy only discounts on personal readings and more.

Who Are Julius & Kasey?

Julius is the name of a group of multi-dimensional high light, high energy beings whose teachings flow through the human conduit Kasey Wallis.   See the Kasey & Julius page for more information.

New to Julius?

A broader perspective of Julius & Kasey and all we offer can be found at You may also contact us from this site to find out more about Julius.Academy by emailing